Prepare for NIS2 with Managed Security

Prepare for NIS2 with Managed Security

Does your organization need to comply with the new NIS2 cybersecurity directive? If so, you need to take a lot of new measures. Fortunately, you are not alone. A Managed Service Provider supports you with knowledge and expertise in NIS2 compliance, relieving you of the practical obstacles.

With Managed Security Services, Cheops offers a service to help you comply with NIS2. Our experts proactively manage your security and intervene 24/7 if necessary. This service is split into three pillars, with a focus on employee awareness, threat identification and incident handling.

Managed Security Awareness: raising employee awareness

Your employees are the first line of defense against cyber threats. Therefore, you must make all employees aware of the basics of security hygiene and the risks if they do not adhere to it. With our training programs, which we keep up-to-date according to the latest cybersecurity trends, we ensure that your employees gain the necessary knowledge and skills to guard against current and future threats.

Each employee has a different risk score. It depends on his or her role in the organization, access to critical business information, security knowledge and skills, and ability to recognize phishing emails. With our Managed Security Awareness service, we turn your employees - regardless of their risk score - into an informed, proactive line of defense, putting your organization at less risk. We do this as follows:

  • Awareness Baseline Assessment
    With a Security Awareness Assessment, we examine how aware your employees are of key security risks. We do this using a series of questions. We also conduct a simulated phishing attack to see how well they recognize phishing emails. This way, you will also find out where you stand compared to other organizations in terms of security awareness. Moreover, this way we immediately record the initial situation, so that the impact of our training programs can be clearly measured later.
  • Cyber Hero Training
    Your employees will receive training tailored to their specific needs and based on their risk scores. We take into account how they did in the baseline assessment. This allows them to learn efficiently about the topics that are relevant to them. The training is delivered via interactive modules, videos and gamification. We continuously update the training material so that your employees stay alert and learn to recognize the latest cyber threats. This way, you turn your employees into true cyber heroes

Managed threat exposure: identifying threats

The threats that pose a risk to your organization are becoming increasingly complex. With Managed Threat Exposure, we ensure that you always have a good understanding of this.

To do this, we keep an eye on the following aspects:

  • Assets
    We map out your IT assets, including your network infrastructure, applications and devices, so you get a full understanding of your digital landscape. We analyze the condition, performance and lifecycle of all assets, the risks associated with them, and the impact on your business operations in the event of an outage.
  • Vulnerabilities
    We continuously scan each of the identified assets for potential vulnerabilities so that we can resolve them in a timely manner before someone can take advantage of them. We prioritize the vulnerabilities found based on the severity and potential impact of each threat. We rank these based on the Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS)
  • Identities
    We scan the Active Directory to get an overview of your Windows network environment and user accounts. This way we detect unused accounts, weak passwords and other identity-related risks.
  • Dark web
    Finally, we continuously scan the dark web for e-mail addresses, passwords and other sensitive data about or from your organization that may have been leaked. In this way, we identify data leaks in a timely manner. This allows you to take immediate action by, for example, resetting compromised passwords, tightening your security policies or alerting affected employees.

Managed Cyber Defense: preventing incidents

With Managed Cyber Defense, we handle incidents and protect you in the following ways:

  • Managed Security Operations Center (SOC)
    Our security professionals monitor all incidents in your IT infrastructure 24/7 in our security operations center (SOC). So you can always sleep soundly.
  • Extended Detection and Response (XDR)
    We use the latest security tools, such as Extended Detection and Response (XDR). This allows us to detect threats on endpoints and in your network, collect logs from a variety of sources, and get a complete overview so we can respond to suspicious activity before it does any damage.
  • Security Incident Response
    We help you develop a Security Incident Response Plan (SIRP) to handle all incidents quickly and efficiently. We also take on that handling completely, from incident detection and assessment to prioritization, investigation, remediation and evaluation. We also assist in reporting serious security incidents to the Data Protection Authority (GBA) and the Center for Cybersecurity Belgium (CCB).


So if you don't have the expertise or manpower to meet the requirements of NIS2, our Managed Security service will help you achieve compliance. Cheops assists you 24/7 so you can respond appropriately to all security incidents.

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