The 6 essential components of a secure IT environment for end users


The 6 essential components of a secure IT environment for end users


Employees who work from home or from another location: this is the ‘new normal’ for companies. But has your IT security evolved just as fast as remote working? Security is now even more complex because you have to consider different work locations and devices. Use these security measures to close all the loopholes.

Endpoint Protection: secure devices

If your end users are working from home with all kinds of applications, antivirus software is not enough. Endpoint Protection allows you to set the security for all the devices that end users connect to your company network. Potential attacks are efficiently blocked and you can also restrict access to certain information by user or by profile. So not only do you stop intruders, but you also prevent problems or data leaks from within.

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In this context, the management of login data (credential management) is also a must. Many end users are too lax with passwords – they are easy to hack or not saved securely. A different password for each account is crucial to prevent hackers from misusing just one password to gain access to everything. By combining the right software for password management with multi-factor authentication, you ensure everything is secure and user-friendly at the same time.

A protected network connection

A VPN hides the IP address of end users and establishes an encrypted connection to your company network. It works as a kind of invisible tunnel for your data traffic. This enables your employees to also work securely from home on any device. Many homeworkers use unsafe devices that your organisation has no control over. And even employees who do work with a company computer sometimes let other family members use their device.

Another network option is SD-WAN, which, just like VPN, you can manage and secure centrally. With SD-WAN too, the data traffic is encrypted so that your data cannot simply be intercepted. There are some differences between VPN and SD-WAN. For example, a VPN establishes a one-to-one connection whereas with SD-WAN you create a virtual unified network in which multiple devices or systems are connected. Another advantage of SD-WAN is that you can optimise the data traffic by differentiating connections, for example according to the application. With a VPN, all the data are in principle transmitted over the same line.

Secure e-mail

Your organisation needs much more than a simple spam filter. Besides spam, there are threats such as viruses, ransomware and phishing mails. Cybercriminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated and are constantly exploiting new techniques. So repelling every attack is not easy. Outgoing e-mails also carry risks. For example, end users themselves can unintentionally spread viruses and spam or share data through e-mail in an insecure way. Good agreements are important, but the best thing to do is to make your e-mail security as comprehensive as possible.


Encryption technology encrypts your data so that it becomes unreadable for cybercriminals. For example, when your end users send e-mails with attachments containing sensitive business information, they are only readable for the recipient and not for others. So even if files end up in the hands of hackers, they cannot misuse the information.

Security Awareness: alert end users

Technology is indispensable for IT security, but if end users are unaware of the risks then the gateway for hackers and viruses will be wide open. To prevent your employees from being the weak link in your security, you need to provide Security Awareness training. This will teach end users to, for example, recognise phishing mails. It is important that you keep them on their toes by regularly repeating the rules of thumb and testing them by sending them suspicious mails. You can do this by contacting a Managed Security Awareness partner who is responsible for customised management and reporting.

Backup and Disaster Recovery

Back-up en disaster recovery zijn de ultieme redding wanneer het toch eens grondig fout loopt. Niet alleen door cybercriminaliteit maar ook door andere onvoorziene omstandigheden, zoals natuurrampen, kunnen systemen uitvallen en gegevens verloren gaan. Om zeker te zijn van uw bedrijfscontinuïteit in alle omstandigheden, kunt u een Managed Services Provider inschakelen voor de back-up van uw data en een uitwijklocatie in geval van nood. Zo hoeft u zich nergens zorgen over te maken en kunnen uw eindgebruikers altijd blijven werken.

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